Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Invitation for Quotations for Office Furniture ,MIS software and CDMA 450/800 + Handset

 Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

National Community Driven Development Project
World Bank (IDA) Grant No: H814MM

Invitation for Quotations (Shopping Method)
For Procurement of G2b-2014
Office Furniture for Union DRD and 9 Townships

Issued Date:   11 June  , 2014

Invitation for Quotation (IFQ) for the Supply of Office Furniture
Date:   11 June, 2014
Ref No: G6-2014
(Name of Suppler):

1. The Department of Rural Development has received the Grant from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the National Community Driven Development Project, IDA Grant No: H814MM, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract/Purchase Order for Furniture for Union DRD and 9 Townships ( Nay Pyi Taw, Namhsan, Kanpetlet, Kyunsu, Ann, Pinlebu, Lemyethna, Sitoktaya and Yangon):

Item Number
Office Table with drawers on one side
Office Table with drawers on two side
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers
Shelf Book Case with doors and 2 drawers
Filing Steel Cabinet

Note: Suppliers may quote for one or several items, as further defined in this Invitation for quotations document.  Suppliers wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one item will be allowed to do so provide those discounts are included in the Quotation.
2. Quotation competition will be conducted through the Shopping Procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated January 2011 and is open to all eligible Suppliers as defined in the Procurement Guidelines.
3. A complete set of the Invitation for quotations and further information in English may be obtained by interested eligible Suppliers free of charge from the address given below during office hours from 09:30 to 16:00 and
4. Sealed Quotations in duplicate in the required format of Section 2 Price Schedule must be delivered to the address given below on or before July 4, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time.
            (a) Electronic quotation submitted will not be permitted.
            (b) Late quotation submitted will be rejected.
5. The address is:
U Myint Oo,
Deputy Director General,
Department of Rural Development,
Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development,
Office No. 14, Nay Pyi Taw,
Tel &Fax:+95 67 409413, 
Email addresses:
6. Your quotation in English and/or Myanmar language should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information (in English language) for each item quoted in sealed envelope clearly marked. QUOTATION FOR G4 MIS software “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE DATE OF DEADLINE  June 19, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time”.

7. There will be no public opening of quotations; the Purchaser is not bound to accept the lowest quotation or any quotation and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Section1. Instructions to Suppliers
1.      Payments made against any Purchase Order arising from this Invitation for Quotation will only be made in Myanmar Kyat (MMK). The Unit Rate(s) offered by the Supplier, if accepted, shall remain valid and fixed for the 60 days duration of the Purchase Order.

2.      The quotation shall be completed and signed by an authorised representative of the Supplier. In the case of a Supplier offering to supply goods that the Supplier itself does not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Supplier must show that they have been duly authorised by the goods’ manufacturer to supply the goods in Myanmar.

3.      In the case of any arithmetical discrepancy between the Unit Rate and the Total Amount quoted, then the Unit Rate shall prevail both for the evaluation of quotations and for the subsequent Purchase Order.

4.      Depending on the final requirement, the quantities shown may increase or decrease by twenty five percent (25%) and this shall be reflected in the Purchase Order.

Your quotation(s) should be submitted as per the following instructions and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of supply in below Section 2 Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply
5.      .  Please fill and sign the Section 2 Price Schedule Terms and Conditions of Supply and return the same to the Purchaser

(i)         PRICES:  The prices should be quoted in Myanmar Kyat and shall be fixed and not subject to any price adjustment.
(ii)        EVALUATION AND AWARD OF  ORDER:  Offers determined to be substantially responsive to the technical specifications as mentioned in Section 3 will be evaluated by comparison of their prices. The Section 3 Technical Specification and Warranty schedule shall be signed properly and filled by the supplier.  The award will be made to the substantially responsive firm offering the lowest evaluated price and that meets the required standards of technical and financial capabilities.
(iii)       VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: Your quotation(s) should be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of receipt for quotation(s)

6.      The World Bank requires compliance with its policy in regard to corrupt and fraudulent practices as set forth in Section 5 of the Invitation for Quotation.
Documentation Required with the Submission of the Quotation

7. The Supplier shall attach the following documents to its quotation;

(a)        A duly completed and signed priced offer as per the  Price  Schedule . Note that all prices shall be quoted in Myanmar MKK;
(b)        A valid Trade License (TL);
(c)        A valid Tax Identification Number(TIN) Certificate;
(d)        A Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter (if applicable); and
(e)        Technical Specification of the Goods to be supplied;
The Supplier shall confirm compliance with the Section 3 specifications. The Technical Requirements in the Section 3 Specifications should be filled, signed and dated by the Supplier.

For the Supplier:


Print name



Section 2:  Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Project Name:                         National Community Driven Development Project
Description of Goods:            Office Furniture for Union DRD and 9 Townships
Reference No.:                        G2b-2014
Purchaser:                        Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries
and Rural Development , Republic of the Union of Myanmar
1. Prices and Schedules for Supply

Unit Price
delivery to named place
Total Amount MKK (4x5)
Including delivery to named place
Transportation cost included in the total cost
Delivery Final Destination
Office Table with drawers on one sides

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Office Table with drawers on two sides

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet

Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Total delivered to Office 14 Naypyitaw

Office Table with drawers on two sides

NCDD Project Office ,


NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel /Iron Cabinet

NCDD Project Office ,
Total delivered to Namhsan township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides

NCDD Project Office ,

NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet

NCDD Project Office ,
Kampetlet township 
Total to be delivered at Kampetlet township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides
9 Nos

DRD Township
Office ,
29 Nos

DRD Township
Office , Myeik
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers
3 Nos

DRD Township
Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet
3 Nos

DRD Township
Office ,
Total delivered at Myeik township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides
15 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
35 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers
2 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers
3 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet
4 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Ann township 
Total delivered at Ann Township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides
15 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
35 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers
2 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers
3 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet
4 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Total delivered at Pinlebu Township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides
15 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
35 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers
2 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers
3 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet
4 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Total delivered at Lemyethna Township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides
15 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
35 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers
2 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers
3 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Filing Steel/Iron Cabinet
4 Nos

NCDD Project Office ,
Total delivered at Sitoktaya township 

Office Table with drawers on two sides

DRD Regional
Office ,

DRD Regional
Office ,
Open Shelf Book Case with 2 drawers

DRD Regional
Office ,
Shelf Book Case  with doors and 2 drawers

DRD Regional
Office ,
Filing Steel Cabine

DRD Regional
Office ,
Total to be delivered at Botataung Township 

DRD Regional
Office ,
Total Amount including VAT/TAXES

1.                  Note: In case of discrepancy between unit price and Total derived from unit price, unit price shall prevail. Delivery Time after signed purchase order is 3 weeks for all furniture delivered at the final destination.
2.                  Fixed Price:  The prices indicated above are firm and fixed and not subject to any adjustment during contract performance. Currency to be used is Myanmar Kyat. The price shall include transportation, insurances, and any other local charges for delivery of the goods up to final destination.
3.       The supplier should submit quotations for at least  100% numbers of one type of the furniture  as  a contract lot, or at least 100% of all types furniture for 1 delivery destination as a contract lot. The transportation cost shall be included in the total price delivered at the final destination and indicated separately in the Price Schedule.

Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Payment

4.      Testing:  An acceptance certificate shall be issues by the purchase upon satisfactory completion of tests and inspection.

5.       The Terms and Conditions hereinafter may only be varied with the written agreement of the Purchaser and no terms and conditions put forward at any time by the Supplier shall form any part of the Contract.

(a)         The supply of the goods shall be completed within (3) three weeks from the date of issue of the Purchase Order;
(b)        After completing of the supply of the goods, the Supplier shall submit an original Invoice, and two (2) copies supported by the Acceptance Certificate issued by the purchaser, to the Purchaser. The invoice shall show the cost of the goods and VAT/Taxes separately;
(c)         Payment against the Invoice shall be arranged by the Purchaser, within thirty (30) days, but only against the actual supplied quantities of goods as listed in the Purchase Order;
(d)        Payments against VAT/Taxes and other impositions shown in the Supplier’s invoice shall be exempt;
(e)         the Purchaser may, by written notice sent to the Supplier, terminate the Purchase Order (or Contract if applicable) in whole or in part at any time for its convenience if:
(i)                 the Supplier fails to deliver any or all the goods within the time period(s) specified in the Purchase Order,
(ii)               the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Purchase Order,
(iii)             the Supplier, in either of the above circumstances does not cure its failure within a period of (5) five calendar days after receipt of a notice of default from the Purchaser specifying the nature of the default(s), and
(iv)             the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the tasks under the Purchase Order.

(f)         The Supplier shall provide the warranty, as stipulated in the Invitation for Quotation document, for the goods to be supplied and confirm that if any faults are detected within the warranty period in the supplied/installed goods, the Supplier shall be bound to rectify the fault or replace the goods as the case may be.

6.      Failure to Perform: The Purchaser may cancel the Purchase Order if the Supplier fails to deliver the Goods, in accordance with the above terms and conditions, in spite of being given 21 days notice by the Purchaser, without incurring any liability to the Supplier.

NAME OF THE SUPPLIER:            ________________________________________
Authorized Signature:             ________________________________________

Place:                                                   _______________
Date:                                                   _______________                             

Section 3: Technical Specifications and Warranty

Minimum Specification
Statement of Compliance

Suppliers must state here either “Comply” of “Not Comply” against each of the individual parameters of each Specification stating the corresponding performance parameter of the supplied goods offered. Statements of “Comply” or “Not Comply” of must be supported by evidence in a Suppliers Quotation and cross-referenced to that evidence.
A statement that is not supported by evidence or is subsequently found to be contradicted by the evidence presented will render the quotation under evaluation liable for rejection. A statement either in the Suppliers statement of compliance or the supporting evidence that is found to be false either during evaluation or the execution of the contract may be regarded as fraudulent and render the Supplier or supplier liable for prosecution.

Office Table with drawers on two sides

·      Right side 3 drawers with separate key for each drawer
·      Left side One Long drawer with key

Laminated Table Tip Wood

Dimensions (WDH)
 2×4 ½ × 2 ½ feet

Good Quality

Warranty 1 year


Dimensions(W × D × H)
44 × 55 × 92 cm
(1 inches= 2.54 cm)

Metal Type
·      Iron (Frame and Structure)

Internal Filler
·      Sponge

Warranty 1 year


25mm thick Steel surface protected with PVC edging c/w 2 adjustable shelves

Dimensions(W × D × H)
·      18.6 inches × 32.6 inches ×5feet 6 inches
·      15 inches height for each

  Two drawers
·      At same row
·      Dimensions (W × D × H)
·   9 inches × 16.3 inches×  10 inches

Warranty 1 year


25mm thick steel surface protected with PVC edging c/w 2 adjustable shelves

Dimensions(W × D × H)
·      18.6 inches × 32.6 inches ×5feet 6 inches
·      15 inches height for each

  Two drawers
·      At same row
·      Dimensions (W × D × H)
·   9 inches × 16.3 inches×  10 inches

Warranty 1 year


·      4 drawers with separate lock

Width of filing cabinet
·      Letter-size and Legal size paper
·      Minimum 18 inches

·      At least 24 inches

·      1 feet and 3 inches

·      Silver

Warranty  1 year

The Supplier should also provide a priced schedule of consumables that are expected to be required on the basis of a normal utilization of the supplied goods over a period of four (4) years.

The Supplier is required to mention make / model (as applicable) of the goods to be supplied and must attach the appropriate original printed literature, brochures and performance manuals for the various items listed.

Signature of Supplier

Supplier’s Stamp

Name of Supplier



Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

National Community Driven Development Project
World Bank (IDA) Grant No: H814MM

Invitation for Quotations (Shopping Method)

Issued Date:   11 June  , 2014

Invitation for Quotation (IFQ) for the Supply of MIS Software

Date:   11 June, 2014
Ref No: G6-2014
(Name of Suppler):

1. The Department of Rural Development has received the Grant from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the National Community Driven Development Project, IDA Grant No: H814MM, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract/Purchase Order for CDMA Mobile Phone and SIM card.

2. The Department of Rural Development now invites sealed quotations from eligible Suppliers for CDMA Mobile phone and SIM card:

Item Number
Total Qty
CDMA 450 SIM card and Handset
CDMA 800 SIM card and Handset
3 sets

3. Quotation competition will be conducted through the Shopping Procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated January 2011 and is open to all eligible Suppliers as defined in the Procurement Guidelines.

4. A complete set of the Invitation for quotations and further information in English may be obtained by interested eligible Suppliers free of charge from the address given below during office hours from 09:30 to 16:00 and

5. Sealed Quotations in duplicate in the required format of Section 2 Price Schedule must be delivered to the address given below on or before June 19, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time.
            (a) Electronic quotation submitted will not be permitted.
            (b) Late quotation submitted will be rejected.

6. The address is:
U Myint Oo,
Deputy Director General,
Department of Rural Development,
Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development,
Office No. 14, Nay Pyi Taw,
Tel &Fax:+95 67 409413, 
Email addresses:

7. Your quotation in English and/or Myanmar language should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information (in English language) for each item quoted in sealed envelope clearly marked. QUOTATION FOR G4 MIS software “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE DATE OF DEADLINE  June 19, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time”.

8. There will be no public opening of quotations; the Purchaser is not bound to accept the lowest quotation or any quotation and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Section1. Instructions to Suppliers

1.      Payments made against any Purchase Order arising from this Invitation for Quotation will only be made in Myanmar Kyat (MMK). The Unit Rate(s) offered by the Supplier, if accepted, shall remain valid and fixed for the 60 days duration of the Purchase Order.

2.      The quotation shall be completed and signed by an authorised representative of the Supplier. In the case of a Supplier offering to supply goods that the Supplier itself does not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Supplier must show that they have been duly authorised by the goods’ manufacturer to supply the goods in Myanmar.

3.      In the case of any arithmetical discrepancy between the Unit Rate and the Total Amount quoted, then the Unit Rate shall prevail both for the evaluation of quotations and for the subsequent Purchase Order.

4.      Depending on the final requirement, the quantities shown may increase or decrease by twenty five percent (25%) and this shall be reflected in the Purchase Order.

Your quotation(s) should be submitted as per the following instructions and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of supply in below Section 2 Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply
5.      .  Please fill and sign the Section 2 Price Schedule Terms and Conditions of Supply and return the same to the Purchaser

(i)         PRICES:  The prices should be quoted in Myanmar Kyat and shall be fixed and not subject to any price adjustment.

(ii)        EVALUATION AND AWARD OF PURCHASE ORDER:  Offers determined to be substantially responsive to the technical specifications as mentioned in Section 3 will be evaluated by comparison of their prices. The Section 3 Technical Specification and Warranty schedule shall be signed properly and filled by the supplier.  The award will be made to the substantially responsive firm offering the lowest evaluated price and that meets the required standards of technical and financial capabilities.
(iii)       VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: Your quotation(s) should be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of receipt for quotation(s)

6.      The World Bank requires compliance with its policy in regard to corrupt and fraudulent practices as set forth in Section 5 of the Invitation for Quotation.
Documentation Required with the Submission of the Quotation

7. The Supplier shall attach the following documents to its quotation;

(a)        A duly completed and signed priced offer as per the  Price  Schedule . Note that all prices shall be quoted in Myanmar MKK;
(b)        A valid Trade License (TL);
(c)        A Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter (if applicable); and
(d)        Technical Specification of the Goods to be supplied;
The Supplier shall confirm compliance with the Section 3 specifications. The Technical Requirements in the Section 3 Specifications  should be filled, signed and dated by the Supplier.

For the Supplier:


Print name



Section 2:  Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Project Name:                                     National Community Driven Development Project
Description of Goods:            CDMA  mobile phone SIM card and Handset
Reference No.:                        G1.4c-2014
Purchaser:                        Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries
and Rural Development , Republic of the Union of Myanmar
1. Prices and Schedules for Supply

Unit Price
Including delivery to named place
Total Amount MKK
Delivery Time after signed purchase order
Delivery Final Destination
6 Units

3 weeks
Department of Rural Development
Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
CDMA 800 mobile phone SIM card and Handset
3 Unit

3 weeks
Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Total Amount including VAT/TAXES

1.      Note: In case of discrepancy between unit price and Total derived from unit price, unit price shall prevail.

2.      Fixed Price:  The prices indicated above are firm and fixed and not subject to any adjustment during contract performance. Currency to be used is Myanmar Kyat. The price shall include transportation, insurances, and any other local charges for delivery of the goods up to final destination.

Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Payment

3.      Testing:  An acceptance certificate shall be issues by the purchase upon satisfactory completion of tests and inspection.

4.       The Terms and Conditions hereinafter may only be varied with the written agreement of the Purchaser and no terms and conditions put forward at any time by the Supplier shall form any part of the Contract.

(a)         The supply of the goods shall be completed within (3) three weeks from the date of issue of the Purchase Order;
(b)        After completing of the supply of the goods, the Supplier shall submit an original Invoice, and two (2) copies supported by the Acceptance Certificate issued by the purchaser, to the Purchaser. The invoice shall show the cost of the goods and VAT/Taxes separately;
(c)         Payment against the Invoice shall be arranged by the Purchaser, within thirty (30) days, but only against the actual supplied quantities of goods as listed in the Purchase Order;
(d)        Payments against VAT/Taxes and other impositions shown in the Supplier’s invoice shall be exempt;
(e)         the Purchaser may, by written notice sent to the Supplier, terminate the Purchase Order (or Contract if applicable) in whole or in part at any time for its convenience if:
(i)                 the Supplier fails to deliver any or all the goods within the time period(s) specified in the Purchase Order,
(ii)               the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Purchase Order,
(iii)             the Supplier, in either of the above circumstances does not cure its failure within a period of (5) five calendar days after receipt of a notice of default from the Purchaser specifying the nature of the default(s), and
(iv)             the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the tasks under the Purchase Order.

(f)         The Supplier shall provide the warranty, as stipulated in the Invitation for Quotation document, for the goods to be supplied and confirm that if any faults are detected within the warranty period in the supplied/installed goods, the Supplier shall be bound to rectify the fault or replace the goods as the case may be.

5.      Failure to Perform: The Purchaser may cancel the Purchase Order if the Supplier fails to deliver the Goods, in accordance with the above terms and conditions, in spite of being given 21 days notice by the Purchaser, without incurring any liability to the Supplier.

NAME OF THE SUPPLIER:            ________________________________________
Authorized Signature:             ________________________________________

Place:                                                   _______________
Date:                                                   _______________                             

Section 3: Technical Specifications and Warranty

Minimum Specification
Statement of Compliance

Suppliers must state here either “Comply” of “Not Comply” against each of the individual parameters of each Specification stating the corresponding performance parameter of the supplied goods offered. Statements of “Comply” or “Not Comply” of must be supported by evidence in a Suppliers Quotation and cross-referenced to that evidence.
A statement that is not supported by evidence or is subsequently found to be contradicted by the evidence presented will render the quotation under evaluation liable for rejection. A statement either in the Suppliers statement of compliance or the supporting evidence that is found to be false either during evaluation or the execution of the contract may be regarded as fraudulent and render the Supplier or supplier liable for prosecution.
CDMA 450

·   0949******

·   0947******

CDMA 450 Compatible High Quality Handset

·      8 GB Micro SD card

·      2 Mega pixel Camera

Warranty  1 year

CDMA 800

·      0973******

·      0991******

CDMA 800 Handset

·      Dual Core 1GHz or Higher

·      1GB RAM or Higher

·      16 GB Micro SD card

·      3 Mega pixel Camera

Warranty  1 year

The Supplier should also provide a priced schedule of consumables that are expected to be required on the basis of a normal utilization of the supplied goods over a period of four (4) years.

The Supplier is required to mention make / model (as applicable) of the goods to be supplied and must attach the appropriate original printed literature, brochures and performance manuals for the various items listed.

Signature of Supplier

Supplier’s Stamp
Name of Supplier


Section 4 Purchase Order


Purchase Order

Purchase Order No.

Date of Purchase Order

Name of the Purchaser:
Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development
Complete Postal Address of Purchaser
Office No. 14, Department of Rural Development, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Telephone No.          
0 67-409413,
Fax No.
0 67-409413

Subject:  SUPPLY OF CDMA Mobile Phone and SIM card

TO:  Supplier’s name and Full address

Dear Sirs:

Your price Quotation Ref No.: ______________________, Dated _______________ for the supply of the above goods Lots Nos: ______ is accepted by the Purchaser for an amount of ____________________as per the Terms and Conditions described in Attachment 2 to the IFQ. Please complete the delivery of the supply in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the attachment 2 to IFQ.

Please acknowledge receipt within 3 (three) days from the date of receipt of this signed Purchase Order.


Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock , Fisheries and Rurual Development
Office No. 14, Naypyitaw

 Section 5  Bank’s Policy – Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices
(The text in this Attachment 3 shall not be modified)
Fraud and Corruption

1.16 It is the Bank’s policy to require that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank loans), Suppliers, suppliers, contractors and their agents (whether declared or not), sub-contractors, sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers, and any personnel thereof, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of Bank-financed contracts.1In pursuance of this policy, the Bank:

a)      defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

b)      “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;

c)      “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;3
a.       “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party;4
b.      “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;5
                                                  i.      “obstructive practice” is deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation, or acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under paragraph 1.16(e) below.

d)     will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Supplier recommended for award, or any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants, sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/or their employees, has, directly or indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;

e)      will declare miss-procurement and cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices during the procurement or the implementation of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the time they knew of the practices;

f)       will sanction a firm or individual, at any time, in accordance with the prevailing           Bank’s sanctions procedures,6including by publicly declaring such firm or individual       ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time: (i) to be awarded a Bank-  financed contract; and (ii) to be a nominated7sub-contractor, consultant, supplier, or      service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed       contract;

g)      will require that a clause be included in bidding documents and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring Suppliers, suppliers and contractors, and their sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, service providers, or suppliers, to permit the Bank to inspect all accounts, records, and other documents relating to the submission of bids and contract performance, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development

National Community Driven Development Project
World Bank (IDA) Grant No: H814MM

Invitation for Quotations (Shopping Method)
For Procurement of G6-2014 MIS Software

Issued Date:   11 June  , 2014

Invitation for Quotation (IFQ) for the Supply of MIS Software

Date:   11 June, 2014
Ref No: G6-2014
(Name of Suppler):

1. The Department of Rural Development has received the Grant from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the National Community Driven Development Project, IDA Grant No: H814MM, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract/Purchase Order for MIS Software.

2. The Department of Rural Development now invites sealed quotations from eligible Suppliers for MIS Software:

Item Number
30 licenses
15  licenses

3. Quotation competition will be conducted through the Shopping Procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated January 2011 and is open to all eligible Suppliers as defined in the Procurement Guidelines.

4. A complete set of the Invitation for quotations and further information in English may be obtained by interested eligible Suppliers free of charge from the address given below during office hours from 09:30 to 16:00 and

5. Sealed Quotations in duplicate in the required format in Section 2 Price Schedule  must be delivered to the address given below on or before June 19, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time.
            (a) Electronic quotation submitted will not be permitted.
            (b) Late quotation submitted will be rejected.

6. The address is:
U Myint Oo,
Deputy Director General,
Department of Rural Development,
Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development,
Office No. 14, Nay Pyi Taw,
Tel &Fax:+95 67 409413, 
Email addresses:

7. Your quotation in English and/or Myanmar language should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information (in English language) for each item quoted in sealed envelope clearly marked. QUOTATION FOR G4 MIS software “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE DATE OF DEADLINE  June 19, 2014 at 12.00 Noon Local Time”.

8. There will be no public opening of quotations; the Purchaser is not bound to accept the lowest quotation or any quotation and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Section1. Instructions to Suppliers

1.      Payments made against any Purchase Order arising from this Invitation for Quotation will only be made in Myanmar Kyat (MMK). The Unit Rate(s) offered by the Supplier, if accepted, shall remain valid and fixed for the duration of the Purchase Order.

2.      The quotation shall be completed and signed by an authorised representative of the Supplier. In the case of a Supplier offering to supply goods that the Supplier itself does not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Supplier must show that they have been duly authorised by the goods’ manufacturer to supply the goods in Myanmar.

3.      In the case of any arithmetical discrepancy between the Unit Rate and the Total Amount quoted, then the Unit Rate shall prevail both for the evaluation of quotations and for the subsequent Purchase Order.

4.      Depending on the final requirement, the quantities shown may increase or decrease by twenty five percent (25%) and this shall be reflected in the Purchase Order.

Your quotation(s) should be submitted as per the following instructions and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of supply in Section 2 Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply
5.      Please fill and sign the Section 2 Price Schedule, Terms and Conditions of Supply and return the same to the Purchaser

(i)         PRICES:  The prices should be quoted in Myanmar Kyat and shall be fixed and not subject to any price adjustment.

(ii)        EVALUATION AND AWARD OF PURCHASE ORDER:  Offers determined to be substantially responsive to the technical specifications as mentioned in Section 3 will be evaluated by comparison of their prices. The Section 3 Technical Specification and Warranty shall be signed properly and filled by the supplier.  The award will be made to the substantially responsive firm offering the lowest evaluated price and that meets the required standards of technical and financial capabilities.
(iii)       VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: Your quotation(s) should be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of receipt for quotation(s)

6.      The World Bank requires compliance with its policy in regard to corrupt and fraudulent practices as set forth in Section 5 of the Invitation for Quotation.

Documentation Required with the Submission of the Quotation

7. The Supplier shall attach the following documents to its quotation;

(a)        A duly completed and signed priced offer as per the  Price  Schedule . Note that all prices shall be quoted in Myanmar MKK;
(b)        A valid Trade License (TL);
(c)        A Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter (if applicable); and
(d)        Technical Specification of the Goods to be supplied;
The Supplier shall confirm compliance with the Section 3 specifications. The Technical Requirements in the Section 3 Specifications  should be filled, signed and dated by the Supplier.

For the Supplier:


Print name



Section 2:  Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Price Schedules, Terms and Conditions of Supply

Project Name:                                     National Community Driven Development Project
Description of Goods:            MIS Software
Reference No.:                        G6-2014
Purchaser:                        Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries
and Rural Development , Republic of the Union of Myanmar
1. Prices and Schedules for Supply

Unit Price
Including delivery to named place
Total Amount MKK
Delivery Time after signed purchase order
Delivery Final Destination
30 Units with 30 licenses

3 weeks
Department of Rural Development
Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
1 Unit with 15 licenses

3 weeks
Office No. (14)
Nay Pyi Taw
Total Amount including VAT/TAXES

1.      Note: In case of discrepancy between unit price and Total derived from unit price, unit price shall prevail.

2.      Fixed Price:  The prices indicated above are firm and fixed and not subject to any adjustment during contract performance. Currency to be used is Myanmar Kyat. The price shall include transportation, insurances, and any other local charges for delivery of the goods up to final destination.

Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Payment

3.      Testing:  An acceptance certificate shall be issues by the purchase upon satisfactory completion of tests and inspection.

4.       The Terms and Conditions hereinafter may only be varied with the written agreement of the Purchaser and no terms and conditions put forward at any time by the Supplier shall form any part of the Contract.

(a)         the supply of the goods shall be completed within (3) three weeks from the date of issue of the Purchase Order;
(b)        After completing of the supply of the goods, the Supplier shall submit an original Invoice, and two (2) copies supported by the Acceptance Certificate issued by the purchaser, to the Purchaser. The invoice shall show the cost of the goods and VAT/Taxes separately;
(c)         Payment against the Invoice shall be arranged by the Purchaser, within thirty (30) days, but only against the actual supplied quantities of goods as listed in the Purchase Order;
(d)        Payments against VAT/Taxes and other impositions shown in the Supplier’s invoice shall be exempt;

(e)         the Purchaser may, by written notice sent to the Supplier, terminate the Purchase Order (or Contract if applicable) in whole or in part at any time for its convenience if:
(i)                 the Supplier fails to deliver any or all the goods within the time period(s) specified in the Purchase Order,
(ii)               the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Purchase Order,
(iii)             the Supplier, in either of the above circumstances does not cure its failure within a period of (5) five calendar days after receipt of a notice of default from the Purchaser specifying the nature of the default(s), and
(iv)             the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the tasks under the Purchase Order.

(f)         The Supplier shall provide the warranty, as stipulated in the Invitation for Quotation document, for the goods to be supplied and confirm that if any faults are detected within the warranty period in the supplied/installed goods, the Supplier shall be bound to rectify the fault or replace the goods as the case may be.

5.      Failure to Perform: The Purchaser may cancel the Purchase Order if the Supplier fails to deliver the Goods, in accordance with the above terms and conditions, in spite of being given 21 days notice by the Purchaser, without incurring any liability to the Supplier.

NAME OF THE SUPPLIER:            ________________________________________
Authorized Signature:             ________________________________________

Place:                                                   _______________
Date:                                                   _______________                             

Section 3: Technical Specifications and Warranty

Minimum Specification
Statement of Compliance

Suppliers must state here either “Comply” of “Not Comply” against each of the individual parameters of each Specification stating the corresponding performance parameter of the supplied goods offered. Statements of “Comply” or “Not Comply” of must be supported by evidence in a Suppliers Quotation and cross-referenced to that evidence.
A statement that is not supported by evidence or is subsequently found to be contradicted by the evidence presented will render the quotation under evaluation liable for rejection. A statement either in the Suppliers statement of compliance or the supporting evidence that is found to be false either during evaluation or the execution of the contract may be regarded as fraudulent and render the Supplier or supplier liable for prosecution.
Microsoft Office Professional 2013 with MS Office Access

·   Word 2013

·     Excel 2013

·      One Note 2013

·      Outlook 2013

·      Publisher 2013

·      Access 2013

·      Separate copy with DVD

·   7 GB One Drive storage for each License

Warranty 4 years

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (Business Intelligence version) 5 CALs

Server License

5 Client Access Licenses

Warranty  4 years

The Supplier should also provide a priced schedule of consumables that are expected to be required on the basis of a normal utilization of the supplied goods over a period of four (4) years.

The Supplier is required to mention make / model (as applicable) of the goods to be supplied and must attach the appropriate original printed literature, brochures and performance manuals for the various items listed.

Signature of Supplier

Supplier’s Stamp
Name of Supplier


Section 4 Purchase Order


Purchase Order

Purchase Order No.

Date of Purchase Order

Name of the Purchaser:
Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development
Complete Postal Address of Purchaser
Office No. 14, Department of Rural Development, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Telephone No.          
0 67-409413,
Fax No.
0 67-409413

Subject:  SUPPLY OF MIS Software

TO:  Supplier’s name and Full address

Dear Sirs:

Your price Quotation Ref No.: ______________________, Dated _______________ for the supply of the above goods Lots Nos: ______ is accepted by the Purchaser for an amount of ____________________as per the Terms and Conditions described in Attachment 2 to the IFQ. Please complete the delivery of the supply in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the attachment 2 to IFQ.

Please acknowledge receipt within 3 (three) days from the date of receipt of this signed Purchase Order.


Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock , Fisheries and Rurual Development
Office No. 14, Naypyitaw

 Section 5  Bank’s Policy – Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices
(The text in this Attachment 3 shall not be modified)
Fraud and Corruption

1.16 It is the Bank’s policy to require that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank loans), Suppliers, suppliers, contractors and their agents (whether declared or not), sub-contractors, sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers, and any personnel thereof, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of Bank-financed contracts.1In pursuance of this policy, the Bank:

a)      defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

b)      “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;

c)      “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;3
a.       “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party;4
b.      “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;5
                                                  i.      “obstructive practice” is deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation, or acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under paragraph 1.16(e) below.

d)     will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Supplier recommended for award, or any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants, sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/or their employees, has, directly or indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;

e)      will declare miss-procurement and cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices during the procurement or the implementation of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the time they knew of the practices;

f)       will sanction a firm or individual, at any time, in accordance with the prevailing           Bank’s sanctions procedures,6including by publicly declaring such firm or individual       ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time: (i) to be awarded a Bank-  financed contract; and (ii) to be a nominated7sub-contractor, consultant, supplier, or      service provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed       contract;

g)      will require that a clause be included in bidding documents and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring Suppliers, suppliers and contractors, and their sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, service providers, or suppliers, to permit the Bank to inspect all accounts, records, and other documents relating to the submission of bids and contract performance, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

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